GSA Schedule Contract Number: GS-35F-0419X and Federal CAGE Code: 1WXV7
Email Page
Corporate & Government Accounts has been serving corporations for over 15 years online, both large and small. accepts purchase orders from most established organizations. To proceed with your purchase, download a credit application. Fill out the form and fax it with your P.O. on corporate letterhead to 714-960-8095.
Please include an e-mail address on the P.O. if you would like to receive e-mail confirmation of your order and notification of your shipment. If you prefer, you can email your order to .
Once your account has been established, a user name and password will be emailed to you so all future orders can be placed online on a Net-30 basis.Just leave us a note right here. Tell us what you want to know and we'll get right back to you with an answer. Please include a phone number just in case we need to call you.
Don't like forms? - You can email using your email application. Either way - in most cases we'll respond within 12 hours or less.
STOP!! Looking for a consumer phone user guide? Please visit the manufacturer's web site to find user guides. We do not send out consumer phone user guides. Here is a list of manufacturer's web sites and phone numbers.